Celebrate your life today! Give thanks for what and who you have in it. I have a quote that I love to revisit, "Someone always has it worse than you". Although it is unfortunate that this is true, it is a great quote to help you realize and appreciate what you do have.
I want to share my day and what led me to this post. I had a friend come with me today to a follow up doctor's appointment for my Thyroid Cancer. I kind of kept this appointment under the radar from my family and friends because I have asked for so much help and support over the past 2 years. I mentioned it to her last night because I was still a little nervous. This doctor's appointment would tell me if I needed to have a 2nd radioactive iodine treatment that would give the Cancer the extra kick in the butt. I was very (secretly) relieved when she asked if she wanted a friend there. This morning, we took the drive over an hour to the appointment. Even knowing that I am cancer free, I still get nervous going to these appointment, especially because this one was to either prolong treatment or give me the clear... and I got the clear! The doctor told me I did not need to have another treatment, and that I just needed to follow up every 6 months for the next couple years. Other than that, I am "normal" again! What a great way to feel some appreciation for your life! I feel so full of life today, and I am so grateful that the weight is lifted off my shoulders. I am so grateful that I had a friend reach out and ask if I needed help. It reassured me that I am very fortunate to have people care so much about me! On the way home, my friend and I were discussing how so many people need to appreciate the life that they have because they are so many less fortunate out there. It is amazing how so many people lose sight of the greatness of their own life by only focusing on the bad things.
Focus on the great things about yourself today. Even make a list of all of the things in your life that you are grateful for. Put down on paper how amazing your life actually is. Also, take a minute to throw some thoughts and/or prayers out to all of the less fortunate people in the world. I believe that everyone can use this hand of harmony today to find a new appreciation for their life. Celebrate today because you have today!
My vision for this blog is to lend the hand of harmony to those who have lost their peace of mind by sharing ways to help regain the balance. Through personal stories, original quotes, pictures, and words to live by, I challenge my readers to grasp the hands of harmony and spread the word to others. I am grateful to have this opportunity, and I invite you to share with me how to live up this attitude. In the words of Muhatma Ghandi, let us "be the change you want to see in the world."
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Admit to Your Wrongs and Ask for Forgiveness
I think this hand of harmony is one of the most difficult ones to achieve. I believe there is a level of stubborness in all of us. To add onto stubborness, the easy way out seems to be a common denominator in how many people deal with certain issues. I refer back to a previous hand of harmony when I was talking about the word "No". Remember how I was saying how easy it is to say no? This is a perfect example.
What is the "easy way out"?
I came up with a list of 5 things you may hear- sometimes more often than not- from someone who have a hard time admitting to their wrongs. Let's see if you agree:
1. Diverting blame- the "he did it, she did it" way out
2. "It's not like it was important or anything"- downplaying a situation when you make a mistake
3. Make an excuse- I could list about 1,000,000
4. "I know I am right"- the good ol' whatever I say is right phrase
5. Completely ignoring the situation
How'd I do? We have all heard things like the phrases above when someone is too proud to admit a mistake. I give you a great challenge right in the heart of the week. Instead of taking the easy way out when you do something wrong, think about these next 5 ways to help you admit to it.
1. Take responsibility- a person will gain much more respect for someone that is responsible for their actions
2. Be Humble- It is hard to believe someone that speaks with so much pride
3. Accept Consequences- a step many people miss. Every action has a consequence so be a bigger person today by accepting what comes out of your mistake.
4. Be Open-minded- see the other person's perspective and accept it
5. Learn from your mistake- document the moment in your head and learn from it to reduce or stop it from happening again
Please keep in mind that crossing paths with the do's and don'ts is the number one don't. For example, if you take responsibility, don't follow it with an excuse. Be sincere.
Everyone in this world makes mistakes. It is what makes us human. To increase the peace and harmony in this world, start today by admitting to those wrongs, asking for forgiveness,
and accepting your consequences. I ask that you really take this hand of harmony to heart today because I believe that this topic will help find a better balance in all of your relationships.
What is the "easy way out"?
I came up with a list of 5 things you may hear- sometimes more often than not- from someone who have a hard time admitting to their wrongs. Let's see if you agree:
1. Diverting blame- the "he did it, she did it" way out
2. "It's not like it was important or anything"- downplaying a situation when you make a mistake
3. Make an excuse- I could list about 1,000,000
4. "I know I am right"- the good ol' whatever I say is right phrase
5. Completely ignoring the situation
How'd I do? We have all heard things like the phrases above when someone is too proud to admit a mistake. I give you a great challenge right in the heart of the week. Instead of taking the easy way out when you do something wrong, think about these next 5 ways to help you admit to it.
1. Take responsibility- a person will gain much more respect for someone that is responsible for their actions
2. Be Humble- It is hard to believe someone that speaks with so much pride
3. Accept Consequences- a step many people miss. Every action has a consequence so be a bigger person today by accepting what comes out of your mistake.
4. Be Open-minded- see the other person's perspective and accept it
5. Learn from your mistake- document the moment in your head and learn from it to reduce or stop it from happening again
Please keep in mind that crossing paths with the do's and don'ts is the number one don't. For example, if you take responsibility, don't follow it with an excuse. Be sincere.
Everyone in this world makes mistakes. It is what makes us human. To increase the peace and harmony in this world, start today by admitting to those wrongs, asking for forgiveness,
and accepting your consequences. I ask that you really take this hand of harmony to heart today because I believe that this topic will help find a better balance in all of your relationships.
hand of harmony,
open mind,
Monday, October 17, 2011
Get a little exercise in today
I could go on and on about how exercise is great for the body and releases stress scientifically, but let's just put it into a feel good level. I am certainly not the one to tell you to start going to the gym every day, but if that is what makes you happy or relieves stress, then be my guest! I do believe though that getting out your stresses in a healthy way feels great, and exercise is certainly on the top of that list.
Even going on a long walk today. Enjoying the scenery as well as letting a little steam off may be a great way to start the long week ahead. Maybe you would prefer to lift some weights or do some boxing. Whatever it takes, start your week off in a healthy way by getting relieving stress in a way that is going to make you feel better rather than feeling worse.
Who knows, maybe this little hand of harmony will get you working on some other goals that will make you feeling better about yourself? Just by boosting your exercise mode, you can start to feel a whole new level of happiness. So rather than going on and on, I am going to just going to reach the hand out and let you define what types of exercise are going to lead you to feeling the best.
Release tension, increase your peace of mind : )
Even going on a long walk today. Enjoying the scenery as well as letting a little steam off may be a great way to start the long week ahead. Maybe you would prefer to lift some weights or do some boxing. Whatever it takes, start your week off in a healthy way by getting relieving stress in a way that is going to make you feel better rather than feeling worse.
Who knows, maybe this little hand of harmony will get you working on some other goals that will make you feeling better about yourself? Just by boosting your exercise mode, you can start to feel a whole new level of happiness. So rather than going on and on, I am going to just going to reach the hand out and let you define what types of exercise are going to lead you to feeling the best.
Release tension, increase your peace of mind : )
Friday, October 14, 2011
Trusting in What You Want to Happen
There are so many things in life that we want, so many ideas in our heads that we long for. But wanting is only half the battle. Having the trust in the Universe to bring you those things is a more important factor. You can wish all you want, but when you tie the wish to the trust that it will be granted, you are putting the bow on top of your gifts. Always remember to be appreciative of the Universe and all its' powers though. I learned this idea from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. It has been a huge part in my transformation, and I 100% believe that it will help anyone in theirs. (I guess I am giving you two hands of harmony today because this recommendation is certainly one, too!)
Trust... that word used to make me nervous. I used to have a very difficult time trusting anything: someone's word, that anything good was going to happen, or even trust myself. But it is the shift in attitude, and a gain of trust that will essentially turn your wishes into realities.
What's a great way to help you gain trust?
It's time for another word switch action! Two uncertainty words come to mind: think and hope. When I hear those words, it immediately tells me that one lacks confidence in their proclamation. To me, think and hope are words that are full of doubt. The ambiguity that surrounds these words will never get what you want.
If you truly trust in something, you know or believe it to be true, right? Your goal is to gain full trust in the Universe to fulfill your wants. What better way to do that than to already know that it is going to happen? The words know and believe are much stronger and way more positive. Your thoughts become affirmations: I know this person told me the truth, I believe that I am going advance in my career fast, I know who I am and what I stand for.
As we close out the week, I challenge you with this hand of harmony to know rather than think, believe rather than hope, and truly trust in yourself, the people around you, and the Universe.
Trust... that word used to make me nervous. I used to have a very difficult time trusting anything: someone's word, that anything good was going to happen, or even trust myself. But it is the shift in attitude, and a gain of trust that will essentially turn your wishes into realities.
What's a great way to help you gain trust?
It's time for another word switch action! Two uncertainty words come to mind: think and hope. When I hear those words, it immediately tells me that one lacks confidence in their proclamation. To me, think and hope are words that are full of doubt. The ambiguity that surrounds these words will never get what you want.
If you truly trust in something, you know or believe it to be true, right? Your goal is to gain full trust in the Universe to fulfill your wants. What better way to do that than to already know that it is going to happen? The words know and believe are much stronger and way more positive. Your thoughts become affirmations: I know this person told me the truth, I believe that I am going advance in my career fast, I know who I am and what I stand for.
As we close out the week, I challenge you with this hand of harmony to know rather than think, believe rather than hope, and truly trust in yourself, the people around you, and the Universe.
hand of harmony,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The word of the day is YES
Take just a few minutes to listen the conversations around you. What I've come to notice is that the word NO is used too much. "No I don't like that", "No this isn't the way I want this to go", "No I won't do that for you", No, No, No. How does any conversation get anywhere with everyone saying no? Maybe that's a funny question, but I feel like so many people are always expressing their refusal rather than their acceptance.
It's also become evident that saying no is easy. Getting your way out of something by saying the word no is so simple, but what does that say? Do you really want to be the person that is never helping someone out when they reach out to you or the person that never accepts an invitation? I'll tell you one thing- people will stop asking if you continue to say no. People will start to refer to you as the person that never wants to do anything or help with anything. You've kind of just alienated yourself. If you remember, I said before, doing nice things for other people will in turn have others do nice things for you.
So... 5 fingers of harmony... turn 5 No's into Yes' today. Say yes instead of no when someone asks you to do something. Say yes if a person reaches out to you for help today. Yes, Yes, Yes. Become more open minded open about a situation by accepting it rather than refusing it.
Easy enough? Great! Open your hands of harmony to the people around you by turning that two letter word into a three letter word : )
It's also become evident that saying no is easy. Getting your way out of something by saying the word no is so simple, but what does that say? Do you really want to be the person that is never helping someone out when they reach out to you or the person that never accepts an invitation? I'll tell you one thing- people will stop asking if you continue to say no. People will start to refer to you as the person that never wants to do anything or help with anything. You've kind of just alienated yourself. If you remember, I said before, doing nice things for other people will in turn have others do nice things for you.
So... 5 fingers of harmony... turn 5 No's into Yes' today. Say yes instead of no when someone asks you to do something. Say yes if a person reaches out to you for help today. Yes, Yes, Yes. Become more open minded open about a situation by accepting it rather than refusing it.
Easy enough? Great! Open your hands of harmony to the people around you by turning that two letter word into a three letter word : )
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Look at something differently today...

At first glance, the image above is just a leaf. Take a second look. Study the color, the veins, the shape. The bright and vibrant colors are spectacular. They remind me of the most beautiful autumn day. You know, the one where you can even smell the wood burning from a fire? Yes, taking a fall drive seeing all of the magnificent and unique colors that make up the trees. Take it all in. Perfection. The life seaping through this leaf is outstanding. The veins flowing left and right all the ways to tips of the leaf exhibit so much life. The shape of the leaf is exquisite and unique. The grooves and edges make it one of a kind. Truly amazing.
Just by looking at this leaf differently, I gained so much appreciation and admiration for it. Looking at a leaf is just one way you could look at something differently today. Maybe you even look at someone instead of something differently. It's all about just seeing a new light in something or someone that you feel maybe gets looked over at first glance.
I would love to know what kinds of things you gave a new attention to today... Feel free to to join our hands of harmony and share your new appreciations!
new light
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
To be angry or to forgive: That is the Question
Anger is one of the strongest emotions emitted from a person. When anger takes over someone, guards go up, ideas about someone change, and the simplicity of being happy jumps out the window. But what draws anger? Passion. To be fully passionate about something and get let down from that one thing could immediately transpire into anger. But the challenge in our every day lives is to stay away from anger while maintaining your passionate attitude. That is one hard task to accomplish; I know. I personally have this challenge as one of the greatest things I need to work on.
So how can we stay away from anger? Or even more so, if anger does enter into our lives, how do we steer away from it? One word comes to mind when I think of this- FORGIVENESS. Regardless of how bad the situation is, forgive them. Instead of anger, be grateful for the lesson and move on. Everyone makes mistakes. It is easy to hold grudges sometimes making it near impossible to let go of. But this is what is essentially holding you back from happiness so just let go. This may take some time or it could be instaneous but finding a clear and forgiving mind before you approach someone about an issue is also extremely important. Forgive before someone asks for forgiveness- my hand of harmony today.
Last night I took the wrong approach. I went into an apology still mad...and I came out mad. As I reflected on my way home, I came to the realization that I should have already forgave this person before I even went into it. I replayed it in my head. The apology could have been said, I would have said thank you, and we could have a great time. Instead, my anger about the situation overtook all other emotions. I went home and I meditated. A big shout out to DirecTV and their "Zen" music channel. In my meditation, I picked out all of the apology words that were said to me and only those words. I removed blame out of my head; I removed anger. My mind only saw forgiveness and appreciation. I became appreciative because this person was very much sorry for their actions. Although I was finally able to see a different side, it should have been done before I even decided to meet and talk about the problem. However, I am grateful that this happened because I am able to share this hand of harmony with you so that your forgiveness overpowers your anger you forgive before being asked for it.
Remember that forgiveness should overtake all of the angers in your life, even if an apology never comes. Always looking for something in return means your forgiveness is fake. True pardon of mistakes comes from within regardless of how someone reacts to what they've done. True strength is finding piece of mind even when you feel wronged the most. If you are feeling angry about anything, take time to truly reflect on it and forgive. Your heart and your mind will only get beaten up more and more if anger and resentment are the only emotions filling it. But when you focus on your power of forgiveness, your strength to move on without a grudge, and your ability to find a balance between your passion and your anger, you truly grasp this hand of harmony.
I urge you to take this with you and forgive someone or something today... I know that is what I am going to do : )
So how can we stay away from anger? Or even more so, if anger does enter into our lives, how do we steer away from it? One word comes to mind when I think of this- FORGIVENESS. Regardless of how bad the situation is, forgive them. Instead of anger, be grateful for the lesson and move on. Everyone makes mistakes. It is easy to hold grudges sometimes making it near impossible to let go of. But this is what is essentially holding you back from happiness so just let go. This may take some time or it could be instaneous but finding a clear and forgiving mind before you approach someone about an issue is also extremely important. Forgive before someone asks for forgiveness- my hand of harmony today.
Last night I took the wrong approach. I went into an apology still mad...and I came out mad. As I reflected on my way home, I came to the realization that I should have already forgave this person before I even went into it. I replayed it in my head. The apology could have been said, I would have said thank you, and we could have a great time. Instead, my anger about the situation overtook all other emotions. I went home and I meditated. A big shout out to DirecTV and their "Zen" music channel. In my meditation, I picked out all of the apology words that were said to me and only those words. I removed blame out of my head; I removed anger. My mind only saw forgiveness and appreciation. I became appreciative because this person was very much sorry for their actions. Although I was finally able to see a different side, it should have been done before I even decided to meet and talk about the problem. However, I am grateful that this happened because I am able to share this hand of harmony with you so that your forgiveness overpowers your anger you forgive before being asked for it.
Remember that forgiveness should overtake all of the angers in your life, even if an apology never comes. Always looking for something in return means your forgiveness is fake. True pardon of mistakes comes from within regardless of how someone reacts to what they've done. True strength is finding piece of mind even when you feel wronged the most. If you are feeling angry about anything, take time to truly reflect on it and forgive. Your heart and your mind will only get beaten up more and more if anger and resentment are the only emotions filling it. But when you focus on your power of forgiveness, your strength to move on without a grudge, and your ability to find a balance between your passion and your anger, you truly grasp this hand of harmony.
I urge you to take this with you and forgive someone or something today... I know that is what I am going to do : )
Monday, October 10, 2011
Give yourself a hug!
I thought a good way to start the week was to share the hands of harmony of others by giving you a couple quotes about loving yourself. I think this is the main aspect of getting to where you want to be in life. Take these hands of harmony and make it a point today to reflect and feel loved by feeling love for your number#- you.
"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." -Lucille Ball
"Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults." -Les Brown
"The image of myself which I try to create in my own mind in order that I may love myself is very different from the image which I try to create in the minds of others in order that they may love me." -W.H. Auden
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and action." -Buddha
May you smile at yourself today : )
"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." -Lucille Ball
"Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults." -Les Brown
"The image of myself which I try to create in my own mind in order that I may love myself is very different from the image which I try to create in the minds of others in order that they may love me." -W.H. Auden
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and action." -Buddha
May you smile at yourself today : )
Friday, October 7, 2011
Do something nice today...
A great way to start feeling better about yourself is to just simply do something that you know will make someone else smile. It will help you smile and feel good. It is about as straightforward as that. It may be offering help to someone face to face or performing a random act of kindness that you never even see the outcome of. But knowing that whatever nice thing you do is a geniune act will give you a great sense of gratification.
This morning while walking my dog, I starting picking up all the newspapers that were delivered to the bottom of the driveway and placing them near the front door. I see neighbors scurrying out to get the newspaper in their robes all the time. I thought someone may really appreciate this because it was a cold morning. I never actually saw anyone's reaction, but I played the scene in my head as if I were there to witness it. I saw a person opening their door, look both ways getting ready to hurry down the driveway, and then realizing their paper was right at their feet! I imagined them looking up again gazing both ways, slightly confused why the newspaper that is always delivered inches from the street ended up inches from their door. I saw a subtle smile glaze over their face as they walked back in the house. My imagination running wild of what could have happened based on this simple act of kindness made me smile the entire rest of my walk! It felt so good to know that I was going to brighten someone's day by doing something so small.
So, you're probably thinking right now why would I go out of my way to do anything for anyone else when no one ever does anything for me? Well my question to you is why would anyone do anything for you when all you've been doing are things for yourself? I understand that some people may be less receptive to acts of kindness, but that should be incentive to continue those acts to help make the change in how people view each other. Plant your seed. Once you start being a little nicer to other people, you will start to see how much people will start being nicer towards you. Crazy thought huh? Well, it's is easy to lose site of this when you are caught up in your owns frustrations and anger.
I thought of a challenge, more like a hand of harmony, to help you on this journey:
Every time you start to think about what isn't being done for you, do three acts of kindness. I guarantee you will see a shift in your attitude towards others, you will start to like doing nice things for other people, and you will find a lot more people want to go out of their way to do nice things for you too.
This morning while walking my dog, I starting picking up all the newspapers that were delivered to the bottom of the driveway and placing them near the front door. I see neighbors scurrying out to get the newspaper in their robes all the time. I thought someone may really appreciate this because it was a cold morning. I never actually saw anyone's reaction, but I played the scene in my head as if I were there to witness it. I saw a person opening their door, look both ways getting ready to hurry down the driveway, and then realizing their paper was right at their feet! I imagined them looking up again gazing both ways, slightly confused why the newspaper that is always delivered inches from the street ended up inches from their door. I saw a subtle smile glaze over their face as they walked back in the house. My imagination running wild of what could have happened based on this simple act of kindness made me smile the entire rest of my walk! It felt so good to know that I was going to brighten someone's day by doing something so small.
So, you're probably thinking right now why would I go out of my way to do anything for anyone else when no one ever does anything for me? Well my question to you is why would anyone do anything for you when all you've been doing are things for yourself? I understand that some people may be less receptive to acts of kindness, but that should be incentive to continue those acts to help make the change in how people view each other. Plant your seed. Once you start being a little nicer to other people, you will start to see how much people will start being nicer towards you. Crazy thought huh? Well, it's is easy to lose site of this when you are caught up in your owns frustrations and anger.
I thought of a challenge, more like a hand of harmony, to help you on this journey:
Every time you start to think about what isn't being done for you, do three acts of kindness. I guarantee you will see a shift in your attitude towards others, you will start to like doing nice things for other people, and you will find a lot more people want to go out of their way to do nice things for you too.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
What is your key to happiness?
An essential component on the journey of true happiness begins with a simple key, a building block that defines exactly what makes you happy. Illustrate and define your key. What makes you truly happy? Look at the key above. Study all of the components of this that would make it fit and work perfectly to opening a locked door. What do you see?
I see three main components in the image of this key: 1) a handle, 2) the support, and 3) the unique puzzle piece that fits perfect into the door. Now, apply this to your life.
The Handle
How would you handle a situation while maintaining happiness? Particularly, how would you handle a difficult situation keeping your own happiness in mind? It may be easier at this point to look back and see how you handled a difficult issue in the past especially if the outcome made you feel bad in any way. Close your eyes and replay the event in your head. How could have handled this differently? What would have made you happy if your handle was based primarily on your own happiness? How could it have transpired into a better outcome? Step back and now think of your handle in more general terms. How we handle any situation should be based on what you want to come out of it. Compromising your own happiness will always leave you feeling unsatisfied. Grasp your handle and hold onto to what would truly make you happy in all situations- both big and small.
The Support
Many people forget to use the amazing resource of support, which may lead to feelings of uneasiness or second guessing. How can one be truly happy if they are always second guessing themselves? Please note though, that support should leave you feeling happy. Positive support should be the only support you accept. Your goal is true happiness, so if there are people you rely on for support that tend to leave you feeling even worse or more confused afterwards, perhaps you could start to search for a new support system. Always respect their opinions and be grateful for their advice because you did ask them for help, but gracious walk away and reach out again. Find something or someone that gives you a clearer mindset or a better perspective to ensure the support of your key is working! Ultimately, you are your greatest support in search of your goal, but always having someone who you know will have your back on all of the decisions that get you to that goal is a critical portion of your key.
The Unique Puzzle Piece
To save the best for last, the unique puzzle piece is the main ingredient to your happiness. Think of all the things to make one single puzzle piece. Now think of it this way- you are the puzzle piece. There are exclusive elements in your life that make you truly happy. Close your eyes again while thinking of this idea. Envision something that makes you smile or laugh or feel completely loved. Draw a piece of puzzle and put all of those ideas- places, events, people, or things that give you the utmost joy and keep it. It is easy to lose sight of happiness during the tough times, but holding onto all of those things that make you happy gives you a bigger and brighter picture of what your life should be about. Take a minute to grasp the elements of your own personal euphoric life, and use this technique to help remind you that true happiness can be obtained again because it already has been.
Always keep in mind that a key only works with all of its components together. You can only turn the key with the handle; you can only maintain the power of the key with the support; and, you can only open the door with the unique piece to tie it all together.
May this hand of harmony help you in your journey to true happiness...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Lending out my first hand of harmony...
To begin, I want to share with you a personal recollection of an event that changed me as a person and challenged to me to appreciate my life in a much bigger way that I ever had before. In February of 2010, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer at 23 years old. I was faced with something that led me to either let it take over and think that this was a punishment for any of my wrongdoings up to that point, or take it as a blessing in disguise to gain control of the strong person I have always defined myself as. I took the battle straight on and fought to achieve health again. Through my battle, I kept saying to myself, God only challenges the strong. I made it a point to beat the disease rather than let it take over my mind and body all by trusting the strength and will to achieve my goal…and I did.
One would think being able to overcome a challenge like Cancer would result in a grateful outlook and an appreciative attitude to the world from that point forward. And although my appreciation and gratefulness are plentiful, I do admit there have been points where I lose site of the simple fact that I was given a second chance. A recent example is in the way that I have been acting towards the people I love. I have shown little gratitude for the countless things my loved ones do for me. I became selfish and dwelled on all of my stress from work, a car accident that totaled my car, and even small things that went a different way than what I had wanted. I completely lost site of the bigger picture, and I even lost my boyfriend because he thought that I had taken advantage of him through my selfishness. Although I at first got angry because I had no idea what I was doing wrong but that was because I lost site. Once I was able to truly reflect, I realized I was becoming exactly who I was acting like. I was outwardly showing an awful person, when I knew deep down inside I was the complete opposite. I am actually a very caring, compassionate, and loving person and the only way for people to see that was if I showed them. It was then that I made a new challenge for myself- to find peace and harmony in the day to day life that has become my own because God only challenges the strong, right?
With that, I started to journal. My journal is a collection of quotes, songs, poems and original writings that I revisit when I do lose sight. Instead of focusing on the frustrations and stresses of everyday life, I focus on what I want my life to be, who I want to be, who I want to surround myself with, and how I will accomplish this. Deep down within my heart and soul, I know exactly who I am and who I am capable of being. The challenge for me, and the challenge I give to you is to outwardly share that amazing person you know you are. One can claim to be the greatest, but to trust who that person thinks they are, one must prove this through their actions. I encourage journaling as it gives you the opportunity to put down on paper your appreciations, capabilities, strengths, attitudes, will power, and however you define yourself. Then by going back and reading what you have wrote, you can re-examine exactly what it takes to become the person you created on paper. The process of revisiting should be one that happens frequently, especially to those who only have thoughts of what they want rather than beliefs that it will happen. Once you are able to believe in yourself, it becomes a reality. I believe that your inward peace of my mind and harmony is the first step to sharing this with the world. And so, I lend you my first hand of harmony by sharing an original quote:
“To have an abundance of happiness in life, one must first plant the seed deep within themselves. Invoke a world of laughter, smiles, and love in the harvest of one’s own harmony. The manifestation of true bliss will, in turn, reap a world of happiness for everyone and everything around.”
One would think being able to overcome a challenge like Cancer would result in a grateful outlook and an appreciative attitude to the world from that point forward. And although my appreciation and gratefulness are plentiful, I do admit there have been points where I lose site of the simple fact that I was given a second chance. A recent example is in the way that I have been acting towards the people I love. I have shown little gratitude for the countless things my loved ones do for me. I became selfish and dwelled on all of my stress from work, a car accident that totaled my car, and even small things that went a different way than what I had wanted. I completely lost site of the bigger picture, and I even lost my boyfriend because he thought that I had taken advantage of him through my selfishness. Although I at first got angry because I had no idea what I was doing wrong but that was because I lost site. Once I was able to truly reflect, I realized I was becoming exactly who I was acting like. I was outwardly showing an awful person, when I knew deep down inside I was the complete opposite. I am actually a very caring, compassionate, and loving person and the only way for people to see that was if I showed them. It was then that I made a new challenge for myself- to find peace and harmony in the day to day life that has become my own because God only challenges the strong, right?
With that, I started to journal. My journal is a collection of quotes, songs, poems and original writings that I revisit when I do lose sight. Instead of focusing on the frustrations and stresses of everyday life, I focus on what I want my life to be, who I want to be, who I want to surround myself with, and how I will accomplish this. Deep down within my heart and soul, I know exactly who I am and who I am capable of being. The challenge for me, and the challenge I give to you is to outwardly share that amazing person you know you are. One can claim to be the greatest, but to trust who that person thinks they are, one must prove this through their actions. I encourage journaling as it gives you the opportunity to put down on paper your appreciations, capabilities, strengths, attitudes, will power, and however you define yourself. Then by going back and reading what you have wrote, you can re-examine exactly what it takes to become the person you created on paper. The process of revisiting should be one that happens frequently, especially to those who only have thoughts of what they want rather than beliefs that it will happen. Once you are able to believe in yourself, it becomes a reality. I believe that your inward peace of my mind and harmony is the first step to sharing this with the world. And so, I lend you my first hand of harmony by sharing an original quote:
“To have an abundance of happiness in life, one must first plant the seed deep within themselves. Invoke a world of laughter, smiles, and love in the harvest of one’s own harmony. The manifestation of true bliss will, in turn, reap a world of happiness for everyone and everything around.”
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